More and more trade shows are taking place in Bali, and so it should be no surprise to see that the My Dream Wedding trade show is going to be held in November (Nov 8-10, 2013) at the Aston Denpasar Hotel.
I would see this as rather exciting. After all, Bali is a very hot spot for destination weddings and for honeymoons. So having this huge wedding trade show in Bali is a bit symbolic don’t you think?
My Dream Wedding brings together professionals from all sectors of the wedding market and helps them to discuss and develop new ideas and opportunities to market to. There are going to be more than 60 developers and exhibitors present, so those attending are certainly not going to be disappointed!
You can expect see booths related to wedding photography, baking, florists, bands, wedding dresses, music, jewellery, travel, reception services, and the list goes on. If you are in the wedding industry this is a great excuse to book your flights and come on over to Bali. You cannot only take in the Wedding Trade Show Bali and the many things it has to offer, you can make it a vacation for you.